О курорте Somatheeram Ayurveda Village

Аюрведические процедурыИнфраструктура отеляАюрведический центр


Somatheeram Ayurveda Village (Соматирам Аюрведа) – идеальное место для умиротворенного, беспечного отдыха в окружении тропической природы под шум прибоя Индийского океана. Это настоящий рай для тех, кто практикует йогу и медитацию. Множество интересных и незабываемых открытий здесь ждет и тех, кто только хочет познакомиться с древними техниками совершенствования психического, духовного, физиологического состояния организма.

Многообразие аюрведических процедур, насыщенная оздоровительная и омолаживающая программы, возможность открыть для себя колоритный, яркий и самобытный мир индийского народа – все это лишь малая часть того, что открывает курорт Соматирам для своих гостей.

Health and relaxation opportunities

The hotel is located in the scenic area of ​​the Indian state of Kerala, which stretches along the sunny beaches of the Malabar coast. This is one of the wonderful places where you can enjoy peace and quiet, feel the life-giving freshness of the sea breeze, get a beautiful and even tan, immerse yourself in a joyful, happy world, sculpting all kinds of figures and sand castles.

Somatheeram Ayurveda Resort is not just a place to relax. This is a real source of health, strength, youth and energy, which give numerous Ayurvedic procedures that have been practiced for many centuries. Their combination with traditional methods of healing, diet, exercise and massage gives an incredibly fast result, restores strength, health and spiritual balance.

Comfortable accommodation and diet menu

Somatiram Ayurveda resort complex is always open for guests. Rest here is thought out to the smallest detail. Each guest is accommodated in a beautifully decorated small house with a room that opens onto a terrace, garden or directly onto a sandy beach. The interior is decorated in the traditional Kerala style. Service is provided 24 hours a day. For guests available laundry service, telephone, fax. You can get acquainted with incredibly delicious and mouth-watering Ayurvedic dishes in the local restaurant. A separate menu is designed specifically for vegetarians.

Things to do in Somatheeram

The resort successfully combines ancient traditions and modernity. Resting here, each guest has the opportunity not only to take time for his physical and spiritual health, but also to go on various trips to the surrounding villages, cities, natural areas:

  • Take a walk along the Golden Valley of the Hill.
  • Admire the views of the sacred cape Kanyakumari, discover the capital city of Trivandrum with Indian castles and palaces.
  • Take a fun safari ride or enjoy a carefree vacation on a wide sandy beach surrounded by lush green palm trees.
  • Go surfing, diving and other water sports.
  • Take a ride on an old rice barge in the surrounding creeks.

Staying at the resort of Somatiram, everyone will discover interesting opportunities for an exciting vacation.

The hotel offers its guests impeccable high level service. Friendly staff, landscaped area, comfortable rooms in a traditional Indian style, access to modern communications, including the Internet and free WiFi - all this will make your stay complete and comfortable.


405 Гостей
15 Программ
28 Процедур
12 Врачей

Программы и номера отеля Somatheeram Ayurveda Village (Соматирам Аюрведа)


Отдых на курорте подразумевает комфортное размещение и комплексный подход к аюрведическому традиционному лечению.

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Развлечения курорта Somatheeram Ayurveda Resort (Соматирам Аюрведа)



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